Most test standards that are around only offer one fixed set of parameters. This can be used to compare different materials against each other. In the end, your material will either fail or pass. But this doesn´t give you too much insight about the expected results versus the real cell.
Your sample may pass e.g. the torch-and-grit test, but then show to be oversized for the real cell, or still not rigid enough, depending on the harshness of that specific cell.
Therefore, expect a much more specific testing approach with the Rocket Test®, and this is how it works:
The OEM performs a measurement of their cell on a reference material, which can be a simple steel plate. They gather the flame side tempe-rature the pressure exerted onto that plate as well as the maximum backside temperature.
This is the set of data which we will then use for calibration of our setup, so that we achieve similar flame side temperatures in combination with similar pressure on the same steel plate, as well as a similar backside temperature.
The OEM provides a reference material which has been used in a real cell test. Based on the visible damage to that material, we will then work to replicate the same damage on the same material, e.g. a marginal fail or a marginal pass.
Thus, we can use these parameters to give you a realistic feedback on your materials.
If you have no data yet on the cell´s properties, we will recommend one of our established standards according to whatever other information you can provide.
This is the most basic approach and it is useful to compare one material specification against others under the same conditions.
We would still say that it is more suitable than other methods, because only the Rocket Test® simulates the peak pressure at the beginning of the venting.
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